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David Troughton Returns to Peladon — 50 Years After The Curse of Peladon!

Big Finish will be celebrating 50 years since The Curse of Peladon with a return trip to the titular planet for a four-episode boxset, due for release in January 2022.

Set in different moments across Peladon’s timeline, these four brand-new full-cast audio adventures let listeners into the past, present and future of this mineral-rich planet from different points of view:

Journey to Peladon, member world of the Galactic Federation and home to intrigue and adventure. With each passing generation, the toll of industrial exploitation and deadly political games is taking its toll on the planet. 

David Troughton returns to the role of King Peladon in the first episode of the set, half a century after he first appeared in the 1972 Third Doctor adventure. Various time travellers also turn up across these tales – and some of them have very familiar faces… 

The four epic episodes are as follows: 

  • The Ordeal of Peladon by Jonathan Barnes & Robert Valentine 
  • The Poison of Peladon by Lizzie Hopley 
  • The Death of Peladon by Mark Wright 
  • The Truth of Peladon by Tim Foley 

Producer David Richardson said:

“50 years of Peladon… that’s something to celebrate. I loved the Peladon stories on TV: they were such a complete storytelling world created by Brian Hayles, full of a whole galaxy of alien races. It was, if you will, an alien Game of Thrones many decades ahead of its time. And so we return there in January 2022, to meet King Peladon again… and then journey through the generations to discover what happened to the planet, the alien races and the Galactic Federation. It’s a huge tapestry – and one that will feature many familiar friends, foes and heroes.” 

Actor David Troughton added:

“It’s a long time since I played King Peladon, but the nice thing about this script is that there are a lot of elements of who he was then in the older man – they carried on certain characteristics, his naivety and basic wanting to be loved by everyone. It was a pleasure to do.” 

Doctor Who – Peladon is now available to pre-order as a collector’s edition box set (on CD at £24.99) or a digital download (at £19.99), exclusively from the Big Finish website

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

David Troughton Returns to Peladon — 50 Years After The Curse of Peladon!

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min