Books! Best weapons in the world! So why not weaponise your family and friends (wait, that doesn’t sound right) this
Check your 500-year diary: if you’ve plans for Thursday 27th October (visiting loved ones, working overtime, saving all of time
BBC Books has announced The Whoniverse, a history of humanity, the Earth, and the various creatures that have threatened our existence
This October, those Infernal Investigators are back. Fans of The Talons of Weng-Chiang will be pleased to hear that Henry Gordon Jago
Everyone likes a good spin-off. Doctor Who had Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures, and pretty soon, Class. Buffy had Angel, and
Like the 12 Doctors, 12 Stories set before it, the Doctor Who: Time Lord Fairy Tales hardcover will be re-released as a
Some have been rumoured to say that writer Justin Richards is similar in style to prolific Doctor Who writer Terrance Dicks.
Hooray! Another hearty helping of venturesome Victorian heroics packed with diabolical deeds and affable alliteration… Jago & Litefoot Series 11
To round off Virgin New Adventures Week here at the DWC, we thought we’d give newer readers an introduction to
As a franchise Doctor Who is, and I colour this statement with contemptable coinage, decidedly “timey wimey”. Since 2001, I