We’ve not seen them since 1984 — but the Sea Devils are back!
Doctor Who Comic #1 is on sale now, priced $3.99.
Dinosaurs! Sea Devils! Amy’s underwear! Much was left on the cutting room floor…
Jordan Shortman explores the history of the Silurians’ cousins, across numerous media.
“Homo Reptilia”, better known as the Silurians, date back to 1970.
You may be surprised to consider how many Doctor Who serials feature viruses…
Colin Burden recalls the MP3-CDs, 2003- 05, and why they didn’t prove popular.
Dicks passed away in August 2019, only weeks before the publication of his final Doctor Who short story, Save Yourself, in The Target Storybook.
It can seem churlish to compare Doctor Who stories to Shakespeare, as if I’m trying to argue that The Romans
It’s with immense sadness that we report the passing of Terrance Dicks, a legend who is known to many as